Using your website to increase print and online advertising revenues

Many newspaper publishers struggle with their websites. It seems that most in the industry, magazines included, are looking for a way to "fix" what feels like the slow death of... — Updated 5/11/2023

Why it's important to offer auto-renew subscriptions

Rarely do I use daily newspapers as model for how a small or medium sized weekly community newspaper should approach a problem or solution. Because not only are the dailies on a... — Updated 9/13/2023

Using your website to increase print subscriptions ​

In my previous article titled "Using your website to increase print and online advertising revenues", I wrote that very few publishers of small and medium-sized publications are... — Updated 3/31/2023

A unique concept: the bulk online subscription plan

The lifeblood of almost every non-daily newspaper and magazine is still print advertising sales. While some might believe that web advertising is a close second, in general, this... — Updated 12/19/2022

When Choosing Your Successor: Avoid the 'Folly of Fondness'

Objectivity is the hallmark of a quality publisher. It's also one of the first disciplines sacrificed by publishers when evaluating their children's suitability for taking over the... — Updated 8/19/2019


How to sync your newspaper's in-office subscriber database with your website

This video explains how a newspaper can sync their subscriptions database with their website. It covers databases like Interlink, Excel, Filemaker Pro, etc. It helps a newspaper's... — Updated 12/6/2022

Prep your photos for the web in seconds using

In 2018, Lions Light Corporation released a free batch-editing tool for web publishing. "We provide newspapers with websites, and over the years we saw the need for this, because... — Updated 8/13/2019

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